Heather Graham - k. Me Softly (scarf sex)
Sharon Stone Basic Instinct (sex scene on bed)
Marisa Tomei Before the Devil Knows You're d.
Hudson Leick - Something About Sex (AKA Denial)
Anne Hathaway - Havoc (in car)
Denise Richards (w-Neve Campbell) - Wild Things (lesbian pool)
Charlize Theron - Reindeer Games
Joan Severance - Red Shoe Diaries (1999)
Betsy Russell - Private School
Anne Heche and Joan Chen - Wild Side (lesbian)
Diane Lane - The Big Town
Liv Tyler - Stealing Beauty
Naomi Watts - 21 Grams
Jaime Pressly - Poison Ivy- The New Seduction - bathtub scene
Madchen Amick - Dream Lover
Heather Graham - Boogie Nights sex scene
Christina Ricci - Prozac Nation
Catherine Bell - Hotline
Demi Moore - About Last Night
Jamie Lee Curtis - Love Letters
Salma Hayek - Desperado
Salma Hayek - Ask the Dust